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25 records selected on total of 6237
Pag. [<<][-10101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 [+10][>>]
NameID BullIDASRankAt%MilkFat kgFat %Pr KgPr %MeatSizeMuscF&LUdderMilk.LongFerPer Data Photo PDF Report
DANOIS FR003988008468-756 0 68 105 -16 -0.25 -12 -0.20 74 83 92 85 96 93 100 101 128 visualizza     pdf scheda toro
DISNEY FR007402299525-667 0 54 105 2 -0.03 8 0.05 71 94 74 89 100 103 89 96 0 visualizza     pdf scheda toro
GORALB IT030000301185-508 0 78 105 -7 -0.14 2 -0.02 90 93 96 92 78 107 100 100 96 visualizza     pdf scheda toro
GS MONSUN AT00056327962995 64 73 105 -1 -0.07 -2 -0.07 94 112 88 112 105 107 104 107 84 visualizza     pdf scheda toro
HUBERTUS *TA DE000948468254255 85 74 105 33 0.37 15 0.14 101 99 93 98 106 98 96 100 90 visualizza     pdf scheda toro
REDHORB IT021001116358-465 0 88 105 -10 -0.18 -1 -0.05 97 94 101 82 93 97 95 89 100 visualizza foto toro   pdf scheda toro
ZWICKEL PS DE000941172548-866 0 68 105 -3 -0.09 -13 -0.21 92 79 118 74 67 97 84 85 93 visualizza     pdf scheda toro
ROSINANTE DE000943551861118 68 77 104 -9 -0.16 -8 -0.15 103 98 118 100 96 99 105 108 101 visualizza     pdf scheda toro
WECKER *TA DE000954535151585 98 71 104 14 0.12 10 0.08 104 105 115 108 113 91 111 110 106 visualizza     pdf scheda toro
CONAN IT04UD 0210815-613 0 89 103 -31 -0.44 -7 -0.13 85 84 91 86 81 90 92 116 112 visualizza     pdf scheda toro
HOUSTON IT030990237757186 77 84 103 22 0.22 7 0.04 100 103 108 104 106 93 96 90 108 visualizza foto toro   pdf scheda toro
INGO DE000950641650437 95 69 103 -9 -0.16 8 0.06 90 105 104 129 115 78 118 108 106 visualizza     pdf scheda toro
LADINER DE000945241105-6 46 76 103 6 0.02 -2 -0.08 98 102 103 101 102 91 101 105 84 visualizza     pdf scheda toro
VERSAILLE DE000940996191-531 0 71 103 -15 -0.24 -11 -0.19 100 103 109 78 85 97 100 97 95 visualizza     pdf scheda toro
VIKTORINOX DE000947959401-249 10 73 103 3 -0.01 -1 -0.06 99 104 104 94 93 94 94 90 107 visualizza     pdf scheda toro
INSIGNE IT030990286038-114 27 77 102 3 -0.02 11 0.10 89 107 94 87 110 100 100 105 94 visualizza foto toro   pdf scheda toro
JALNAY FR004974877919105 65 57 102 13 0.12 17 0.18 75 99 76 106 112 104 110 110 0 visualizza     pdf scheda toro
LOMESS DE000000172171-237 12 83 102 6 0.02 -5 -0.11 87 99 117 129 93 95 101 83 95 visualizza     pdf scheda toro
ROMANO DE000663204113-31 42 70 102 -8 -0.16 -5 -0.11 100 103 106 99 111 104 97 91 89 visualizza     pdf scheda toro
SERGIO DE000000161505-330 4 86 102 11 0.08 3 -0.00 85 94 89 112 102 83 88 81 92 visualizza     pdf scheda toro
SILVESTER *TA DE000955501132486 97 65 102 -9 -0.17 1 -0.03 90 86 96 110 119 97 127 110 111 visualizza     pdf scheda toro
EURO DE000948882563-190 16 73 101 -2 -0.08 1 -0.04 96 107 103 90 107 111 86 105 90 visualizza     pdf scheda toro
HADDOCK FR00550211384682 62 81 101 20 0.20 11 0.09 97 103 103 93 102 99 85 100 97 visualizza     pdf scheda toro
WISLEY *TA DE000946674685-192 16 73 101 -2 -0.08 9 0.07 99 102 82 99 79 96 104 96 98 visualizza     pdf scheda toro
BASILE FR002538643740-579 0 28 100 -11 -0.19 8 0.06 78 88 76 96 90 104 100 100 0 visualizza     pdf scheda toro
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